Professor of Intelligent-Integrated Media & Mass Communication and Artificial Intelligence Journalism.
- A Professor of Media and Artificial Intelligence, and pioneer of “Artificial Intelligence Journalism” and “Media of the Metaverse”, as well as of media studies and the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revolutions, according to his academic research and applied initiatives.
- CEO of Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF), one of the world’s leading academic and applied think tanks specializing in media studies, artificial intelligence, technologies from the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revolutions, and media in the Metaverse, founded in 2018.
- Senior Media Advisor LSEG (London Stock Exchange Group)
- A former media advisor to the United Nations
- The President of the Artificial Intelligence Journalism World Forum (AIJWF), the first global platform and an annual event, where it brings together academics, media professionals, AI development companies, educational institutions, and government entities to forecast the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revolutions technologies and its impact on the future of human.
- The President of the Global Artificial Intelligence Journalism Index (GAIJI), the world’s first index designed to measure, track and visualize the performance of media outlets using AI journalism technologies in producing, publishing and promoting content.
- Founder and general supervisor of the Arab Index for Artificial Intelligence in Universities (AIU).
- Member of the Advisory Board of a number of Arab media colleges and departments in the United Arab Emirates.
- Editor-in-Chief of the first Academic journal on “Artificial Intelligence Journalism” ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE JOURNALISM JOURNAL (AIJJ) – (AIJJ) English.
- Has developed the first AI Journalism Communication Model, a theoretical framework that explains how artificial intelligence technologies – including robotics, blockchain technologies, 3D printing and big data analysis techniques – are playing a new role in media communication.
- Advisor for future studies and the UAE Ministry of Cabinet Affairs.
- A trainer and designer of artificial intelligence applications in the field of media content creation, such as: “Robotic marketing, newsrooms, video production, podcasts, creating and detecting false content, Media of the Metaverse, and other applications.”
- Journalist and former editor-in-chief of Thomson Reuters, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), and the Financial Times.
- Dr. Mohamed Abdulzaher, as part of the AIJRF, he has issued the first professional and ethical guide for the use of artificial intelligence technologies in journalism and media, called: Artificial Intelligence Journalism Professional Ethics and Codes of Conduct (AIJEC)
- Has coined many new concepts in media and AI such as: Artificial Intelligence Journalism, 7G Journalism, Robotization of Marketing, Marketing Metaversers, Media of Metaverse, Blockchained-News, Covidization of the Media Industry, Intelligence-Integrated Public Relations, Abdulzaher Artificial intelligence Journalism Model of Communication, Artificial Intelligence Journalism and Professional Code of Ethics, and Dynamic Human Skills (DHS).”
- Has more than 90 research and studies, and 15 books in media, artificial intelligence, Intelligence-Integrated Public Relations (IIPR) and Media of the Metaverse, in both Arabic and English.
- Author and owner of models specialized in integrated communication, Artificial Intelligence Journalism and human talents, namely:1- Abdulzaher Artificial Intelligence Journalism Model of Communication.
2- Intelligence-Integrated Public Relations Model.
3- The Global Model of The Dynamic Human Skills (DHS).
- Dr. Mohamed Abdulzaher Pioneer in Artificial Intelligence Journalism, is the co-founder of Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF) UAE-based think tank, and founder and board of directors member of Artificial Intelligence Journalism World Forum (AIJWF), the global platform and conference, that is designing the future of media, touching human lives 2050, and the future of sustainable cities.
- Editor-in-chief of the Artificial Intelligence Journalism Journal (AIJJ).In his book Artificial Intelligence Journalism: The 4IR and Media Restructuring, published in both Arabic and English, Dr. Abdulzaher pioneered the concept of AI journalism [[i]] and defined its relationship to the Fourth and Fifth industrial revolutions, Dr. Abdulzaher developed Abdulzaher’s Artificial Intelligence Journalism Model of Communication, a theoretical framework which illustrates the new roles that AI technologies.
- He is the co-founder of Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF), a think tank established in the United Arab Emirates in November 2018. [[ii]] The AIJRF comprises professors and researchers specialising in media studies, AI, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the humanities. [[iii]]
- He has also conceptualised and defined 7G Journalism, “a new era in developing, upgrading and restructuring of the media industry fully compatible with the techniques of the Fifth Industrial Revolution, whereby media institutions disappear in their traditional form and turn into millions of information centres cover everywhere around the world … 7G Journalism will rely on individual contributions and direct communications between people via human microchips, where there is no television and radio, news platforms, and nothing called smart applications.” [[iv] ] [[v]] [[vi]]
- Abdulzaher developed Abdulzaher’s Artificial Intelligence Journalism Model of Communication, a theoretical framework which illustrates the new roles that AI technologies – including robots, blockchain, 3D printing and big data analysis technologies – play in the media communication process. [[vii]] Within this framework, all elements of the communication process perform a continuous, direct, circular and interactive role, whether in the presence of humans or otherwise. [[viii]]
- Have created many new concepts in media and AI such as:- Artificial Intelligence Journalism. [[ix] ] صحافة الذكاء الاصطناعي.
- 7G Journalism.صحافة الجيل السابع [[x] ]
- Robotization of Marketing. [[xi] ]
Marketing Metaversers
- Media of Metaverse إعلام الميتافيرس
- Blockchained-News. بلوكشيند الأخبار[[xii] ]
- Covidization of Media Industry.إعلام ما بعد كوفيد [[xiii] ]
- Intelligence-Integrated Public Relations. العلاقات العامة التفاعلية الأكثر ذكاء[[xiv] ]
- Abdulzaher Artificial intelligence Journalism Model of Communication. نموذج عبد الظاهر للاتصال في صحافة الذكاء الاصطناعي [[xv] ]
- Artificial Intelligence Journalism and Professional Code of Ethics. الدليل الأخلاقي في صحافة الذكاء الاصطناعي [[xvi] ]
- Dynamic Human Skills (DHS). المهارات البشرية الدينامكية [[xvii] ]
List of Artificial Intelligence Journalism and Media of Metaverse Titles (2019-2022):
Media of Metaverse

Notable posts include:
- President of the Global Artificial Intelligence Journalism Index (GAIJI), which measures, track, and visualises how media companies use AI Journalism technologies in producing, publishing and promoting content. [[xviii]]
- Advisory board member at the College of Media and Mass Communication, American University in the Emirates. [[xix]]
- CEO of the Dubai-based Artificial Intelligence Journalism World Forum (AIJWF), a platform which seeks to explore the era of AI journalism and 7G journalism by presenting real experiences for international media in the use of AI technologies. [[xx]]
- Editor-in-chief of the Artificial Intelligence Journalism Journal (AIJJ), a peer-reviewed, double-blind, open-access academic publication focusing broadly on AI journalism, and Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies in the media. [[xxi]]
- He has a Dubai Golden Visa in the category of “Creative Talents” as an “Author and Academic Lecturer”, for his pioneering publications and content in the field of media and artificial intelligence in both Arabic and English. [[xxii] ]
- From January 2017 to December 2018, Dr. Abdulzaher was a Managing Editor with the Arab Strategy Forum, a think tank and research institute covering issues including social policy, political strategy, economics, military, technology and culture. [[xxiii]].
- Abdulzaher was a winner of the CFA Institute’s 2016 Middle East Financial Journalism Award, which acknowledges journalistic contribution towards the advancement of knowledge about the GCC’s finance and investment sector. [[xxiv]] He was also recipient of an award from U.S. Arab Radio in 2016 for his role in training young journalists, expanding U.S. Arab Radio’s reach into the Middle East and connecting Middle Eastern journalists with North American audiences. [[xxv]]
[i] https://891.a9f.myftpupload.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/AI-Journalism-2.pdf
[ii] https://aijournalism.net/about-us/
[iii] https://aijournalism.net/about-us/
[iv] https://www.gulftoday.ae/opinion/2020/10/12/a-deeper-insight-into-7g-journalism
[v] https://aijournalism.net/7g-journalism-new-media-concept-adapting-to-5th-industrial-revolution/
[vi] https://www.masaadernews.com/en/article/24957/egyptian-journalist-and-researcher-coins-the-term-ai-journalism/
[vii] https://aijournalism.net/first-artificial-intelligence-journalism-model-of-communication/
[viii] https://www.gulftoday.ae/opinion/2020/07/20/artificial-intelligence-journalism-model-of-communication-set-to-revolutionise-the-world
[x] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4eu8bt2XjE
[xi] https://www.gulftoday.ae/opinion/2019/06/10/ai-journalism-and-robotization-of-marketing-set-to-create-a-revolution
[xii] https://www.gulftoday.ae/opinion/2019/10/21/artificial-intelligence-journalism-and-blockchained-news-will-help-cut-down-losses
[xiii] https://aijournalism.net/covidization-of-media-industry/
[xiv] https://aijournalism.net/globalization-4-0-the-future-of-media-in-the-age-of-7g-journalism/
[xv] https://www.amazon.com/Abdulzaher-Artificial-intelligence-Journalism-Communication/dp/B08DBVZZ5Z
[xvi] https://aijournalism.net/artificial-intelligence-journalism-and-code-of-ethics/
[xvii] https://www.facebook.com/ArtificialIntelligenceJournalism/posts/dynamic-human-skills-dhs-a-new-concept-created-by-dr-mohamed-abdulzaher-and-was-/3086636384915759/
[xviii] https://aijournalism.net/the-global-artificial-intelligence-journalism-index/
[xix] https://aue.ae/en/college-of-media-and-mass-communication-2/
[xx] https://aijournalism.net/aijrf-launches-artificial-intelligence-journalism-world-forum/
[xxi] https://aijournalism.net/artificial-intelligence-journalism-journal-aijj/
[xxii] https://aijournalism.net/dubai-grants-10-years-cultural-visa-to-aijrf-ceo-mohamed-abdulzaher/
[xxiii] http://www.arabstrategyforum.org/en/about-asf
[xxiv] https://www.zawya.com/uae/en/press-releases/story/CFA_Institute_Announces_Winners_of_2016_Middle_East_Financial_Journalism_Awards-ZAWYA20160914072603/
[xxv] https://thearabdailynews.com/2016/10/05/us-arab-radio-celebrates-11-years-achievements/