The AIJRF Training Program offers more than 100 training programs, courses and professional diplomas focused on Artificial Intelligence, Content Creation, Managing Digital Platforms, AI & Smart Government Services, and Content Creation in the Metaverse( Media of the Metaverse).
The AIJRF Training Program consists of a number of intelligent training programs that are designed to address the specific needs of your human talents, in line with artificial intelligence and the Advanced Technologies. The AIJRF Training programs are very advanced and updated and can be customized to meet your needs.
The AIJRF Training Program includes complete exercises and applications on more than 1200 AI tools and apps in more than 10 different sectors, as well as an applied final project for each trainee developed entirely with artificial intelligence at the end of the training.
The AIJRF Training Program is managed and presented by global experts and professional trainers in the media and entertainment industry as well as the manufacture of artificial intelligence tools and technologies from more than 15 universities around the world including the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Sweden, France, India, Singapore, UAE, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan.
The AIJRF Training Programs are available in both Arabic and English.
AIJRF Training Program Targets:
1- Talented Content Creation (Media Outlets and Digital Portals).
2- Government Communication Specialties.
3- Academic and Researchers (Universities and Government Entities).
4- Government Digital Services Providers.
5- Marketers and Sales Specialties.
6- Metaverse Storytellers, and 3D Content Creators.
7- Bankers and Fintech Specialties.
AIJRF Training Program Registration From