Egyptian-American Space Scientist Farouk El-Baz Chairs Artificial Intelligence Journalism World Forum in March 2021

Professor El-Baz: The Forum is an Opportunity to Explore the Latest Research and Technology Advancements on Artificial Intelligence
Dubai- Artificial Intelligence Journalism

The Egyptian-American space scientist Farouk El-Baz has confirmed his participation in the Artificial Intelligence Journalism World Forum (AIJWF), where he will chair the Forum  – as the honorary chair of the current edition of the Forum .

Egyptian, Professor Farouk El-Baz said: “The Forum is a good  opportunity to learn about  the latest research and technology advancements on artificial intelligence, and in a way that serves people in the first place. And now we are in a dire need to harness technology and all the effective tools and solutions produced by these technologies that help to face challenges, whether in the fields of healthcare, education or economics, for example. “

He added that: ” Many technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and artificial intelligence contribute greatly to designing the future of mankind.  The growth of all human societies depends on the tools that science provides every day.

Professor Farouk El-Baz

“The Egyptian scientist Professor. Farouk El-Baz emphasized “The Covid-19 crisis has showed the big Companies and governments are using artificial intelligence to help combat COVID-19. They have also revealed the importance of AI technologies in providing new solutions and tools that facilitate human movement, and keeping their daily life despite global lockdown in many countries. Through the AIJWF Forum we will explore the future of artificial intelligence tools and the future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.  to provide new, more effective and more powerful solutions that help mankind, A group of other scientists and researchers will also be participating,” Professor Farouk El-Baz said.

AIJWF includes the participation of more than 50 universities and global Think Tanks, in addition to the participation of more than 200 journalists and media researchers.

Global Opportunity

Dr. Mohamed Abdulzaher, pioneer of Artificial Intelligence Journalism and CEO of the AIJWF, stressed the role of the Forum this year in forecasting the new media revolution, compatible with the techniques of the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revolutions. He also said: “We are VERY proud that the great Egyptian scientist, Professor Farouk El-Baz, has joined the AIJWF, and we are very grateful to that participation, which will enrich the role of the AIJWF globally. It will also open new horizons for scientists and researchers, as the Forum carries a scientific message that focuses on maximizing the benefits of all artificial intelligence tools and solutions.”   

Dr. Mohamed Abdulzaher,
Pioneer of Artificial Intelligence Journalism
The Egyptian-American Space Scientist

Professor Farouk El-Baz is an Egyptian American space scientist and geologist, director of the Center for Remote Sensing at Boston University in Boston, Massachusetts. Professor Farouk El-Baz worked with NASA in the scientific exploration of the Moon and the planning of the Apollo program.

 Professor El-Baz is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the Geological Society of America Foundation, Boulder, Colorado, a member of the Board of Directors of CRDF Global, and a member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering, Washington, DC.

 Professor El-Baz an Egyptian American space scientist and geologist, who worked with NASA in the scientific exploration of the Moon and the planning of the Apollo program. He was a leading geologist on the program, responsible for studying the geology of the Moon, the selection of landing sites for the Apollo missions, and the training of astronauts in lunar observations and photography. He played a key role in the Apollo 11 Moon landing mission, and later Apollo missions. He also came up with the idea of touchable Moon rocks at a museum.


Artificial Intelligence Journalism World Forum (AIJWF) is the first global platform to bring together academics, media professionals and specialists in AI technologies from educational institutions, universities and the media.

AIJWF managed by the Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF), the UAE-based world’s leading platform in designing the future of media and touching human lives.

AIJWF hosts an annual specialized academic event, where it brings together companies, institutions, media industry leaders and technologies of the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revolutions.

  AIJWF also manages and issues the Global Artificial Intelligence Journalism Index‎ (GAIJI) , which designed to measure, track, and visualize the performance of media companies in using AI Journalism technologies in producing, publishing, and promoting content.

The Global Artificial Intelligence Journalism Index‎ (GAIJI) measures the efficient utilization and dependence of AI Journalism technologies and tools in the media. On an annual basis, the index will be interviewing 100+ media companies across six main key indicators.

AIJRF manages the Global Artificial Intelligence Journalism Awards at annually at the Artificial Intelligence Journalism World Forum (AIJWF).

AIJRF manages Journal (AIJJ), the first-ever AI journalism academic publication, in both Arabic and English.

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