HCT Hosts Artificial Intelligence Journalism World Forum 2022

Artificial Intelligence Journalism World Forum (AIJWF) 2022

AIJWF Will Explore Media of Metaverse, 4IR Technologies & Dynamic Human Skills 

H.E Professor Abdullatif AlShamsi, HCT President & CEO, and Honorary President of AIJWF:

We are forecasting the breakout technologies of the 4IR in media and Education 4.0
UAE is renowned for its significant achievements in integrating AI Technologies across many industry, educational and governmental sectors

Dr. Mohamed Abdulzaher:

AIJWF is Great Opportunity to Explore Latest Technologies in Media Industry and AI Technologies in Many Different Sectors
Dubai- Artificial Intelligence Journalism

Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF), the leading institution in AI and media research, and the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revolutions’ technologies, has announced that the Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT) ,  the largest applied, higher education institution in UAE, will host and co-manage the Artificial Intelligence Journalism World Forum (AIJWF) 2022, on March 14, 2022.

“In the second edition of the AIJWF 2022, we will be forecasting the integrational process that 4th Industrial Revolution technologies have in the media industry and Education 4.0, as well as in the developmental future of universities and government services,” Professor Abdullatif AlShamsi, President & CEO of the Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT), and honorary president of AIJWF, said.  “In the UAE, our leaders are always committed to forecasting for the future as well as the agility and preparedness of our nation in all sectors. As a result, the UAE government has achieved significant progress and results in integrating Artificial Intelligence technologies in many sectors, so as to accelerate the pace of AI adoption,” he added.

H.E Professor Abdullatif AlShamsi, HCT President & CEO, and Honorary President of AIJWF
New Opportunity

“It is a great opportunity to have that such a collaboration with of the leading institution in applied  and higher education institution in MENA , Where we all aspire to integrate many of the technologies of the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revolutions in the future, and to work in several sectors, while upgrading the Dynamic Human Skills in line with the requirements of the 4IR until 2030″ said Dr. Mohamed Abdulzaher, the CEO of AIJRF.

​”AIJWF’s main theme this year is: ” Covidization of Media Industry to Media of Metaverse and the 7G Journalism Technologies, the Most Significant Changes in Media and Entertainment 2030.”, add Dr. Abdulzaher

​AIJWF 2022 will discuss many pillars such as: ​

  •  How have the Arab media outlets been affected by the COVID-19 crisis (Challenges and Opportunities)? Successful Arab Media New Models.
  • Artificial intelligence technologies, the gap between developed and developing countries. AI and its contribution to and the future of the world digital economy (Healthcare, Education 4.0, and Future Sustainable Cities)
  • Media Intelligent Applications: ” AI Writing Assistant – 360 Photography – VR-Photo applications – Content Verification. “, Marketing and Automated Content Creation.
  •  Dynamic Human Skills (DHS): Hiring for the Fourth Industrial Revolution: The opportunities and challenges in Job market, advanced technology and the future of DHS.
Dr. Mohamed Abdulzaher, the CEO of AIJRF

Artificial Intelligence Journalism World Forum (AIJWF) is the first global platform and an annual event, where it brings together academics, media professionals, AI development companies, educational institutions, and government entities to forecast the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revolutions (4IR and 5IR) technologies and its impact on the future of humanity in many different sectors.

  The AIJWF is the world’s leading platform in designing the future of media and touching human lives 2050. It seeks to explore the era of Artificial Intelligence Journalism, Media of Metaverse, 7G journalism, by presenting real experiences for international media in the use of AI technologies in editing and writing processes, data analysis, detection of fake news, use of 3D printing, big data analysis, data journalism, and other technologies of 4IR related to media.  

AIJWF’s first edition was launched in March 2021, and it was headed by Professor Farouk El-Baz, the Egyptian American space scientist and geologist, with the participation of more than 50 universities, think tanks and more than 200 researchers and journalists from 20 countries.

AIJWF managed by the Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF), the UAE-based world’s leading platform, in designing the future of media and touching human lives.

AIJWF also manages and issues the Global Artificial Intelligence Journalism Index‎ (GAIJI) , which is designed to measure, track, and visualize the performance of media companies in using AI Journalism technologies in producing, publishing, and promoting content.


Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF) think tank is a global leading organization in researching, forecasting, and shaping the future of Artificial Intelligence and human and the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revolutions.

AIJRF has the advanced skills in training, teaching, searching, and forecasting through its advisory board, plus three skilled teams, which are academic, editorial, and media team, in cooperation with various research institutions and universities, and specialized groups of academics and researchers in US, Euro, Asia, and Medial East. They speak and edit in five different languages: Arabic, English, French, Italian and Spanish.

AIJRF manages and issues” Artificial Intelligence Journalism Journal (AIJJ), the first AI Journalism academic journal in both Arabic and English. Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF), manages and supervises the Artificial Intelligence Journalism World Forum (AIJWF), the first global platform includes academics, media professionals and the specialists of artificial intelligence technologies, from educational institutions, universities, and the media.

AIJRF also manages and supervises the Artificial Intelligence Journalism World Forum (AIJWF), the first global platform to bring together academics, media professionals and specialists in AI technologies from educational institutions, universities and the media.

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