Egyptian Academic Designs First Artificial Intelligence Journalism Model of Communication

Mohamed Abdulzaher Artificial intelligence Journalism Model of Communication

Dubai- AI Journalism

The Egyptian academic and Artificial Intelligence Journalism pioneer, Dr. Mohamed Abdulzaher, has designed the first global Artificial Intelligence Journalism Model of Communication, which is relying on AI technologies in the media communications process; titled “Abdulzaher Artificial Intelligence Journalism Model of Communication “.

Dr. Mohamed Abdulzaher
Artificial Intelligence Journalism Pioneer

Abdulzaher Artificial Intelligence Journalism Model of Communication illustrates the new roles that AI technologies are playing in the media communication process, such as Robots, Blockchain, 3D Printing, Big Data Analysis technologies, and any other technologies of Artificial Intelligence Journalism and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Abdulzaher says: “the new AI Journalism Model of Communication shows how the media communication process will be applicable to the AI technologies. Abdulzaher Artificial intelligence Journalism Model of Communication has been designed based on previously global models of communication such as the “Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver ” model, Lasweus Model of Communication, David Berlo’s Model of Communication and other previous models in communication studies. But the new model adding new features related to Artificial Intelligence technologies.”

“Abdulzaher  Artificial Intelligence Journalism Model of Communication relies on a continuous, interactive, circular and reciprocal technique to the message (the content) in which each element of the communication process, otherwise the message carries out other elements’ tasks equally in message transmitting., added Abdulzaher.

New Elements

According to Abdulzaher Artificial intelligence Journalism Model of Communication, all elements of the communication process in the AI model are performing a continuous, direct, circular and interactive role, whether in presence of humans or otherwise and can be replaced by one of technologies of AI journalism and Fourth Industrial Revolution.

For example: In Abdulzaher Artificial intelligence Journalism Model of Communication, the robot programmed to deliver a specific message (news or advertisement) is considered a sender and at the same time a means of communication to the public, which may turn into a “recipient” that should be updated and programmed with new media messages and content. 

Human Jobs are limited

In Abdulzaher AI Journalism Model of Communication, the Communication process depends on AI technologies solely, without human intervention, and sometimes caused by human intervention when it comes to communication process objectives’ preparation, but it does not require human intervention to be completed in all stages.

For example:  In case a specific communication process that relies on analysis of “big data” on a certain topic is approved, for example: “the number of coronavirus infections, causes, and health care globally”. As the media relies on artificial intelligence technologies in analyzing that big data for several days, here results show up, and the mechanism, can be broadcasted automatically via open data platforms or cameras and methods of transmission use AI technologies directly. 

Abdulzaher AI Journalism Model of Communication assumed several roles that each of the elements of the communication process “Sender, Receiver, Message, Channel, and Feedback” perform.

AI Journalism Group

 Dr. Mohamed Abdulzaher, an Egyptian academic and Artificial Intelligence Journalism pioneer, he has coined the Artificial Intelligence Journalism concept, through several studies and researches, and through his first book, “Artificial Intelligence Journalism, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Media Restructuring”, which has been published in both Arabic and English language last year.

Abdulzaher has founded the United Arab Emirates-based group  “Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting “, which provides many forecasting studies in Artificial Intelligence Journalism, and publishes the first scientific journal of “ Artificial Intelligence Journalism Journal (AIJJ)”.

To download the Abdulzaher Artificial Intelligence Journalism Model of Communication, please click here

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