AIJRF Announces 2nd Edition of the Artificial Intelligence Journalism World Forum (AIJWF) in Expo 2020 Dubai
Dr. Mohamed Abdulzaher AIJWF Founder:
· Covidization of Media is More Sophisticated and Creative in Solutions and Tools
· AIJWF Explores Media and Entertainment Industry and its Contribution to World Digital Economy
· AIJWF Lays Foundations for Building Dynamic Human Skills in Line with the Fourth Industrial Revolution
· Government and International Partners to Forecast Intelligent Government Services
Dubai – Artificial Intelligence Journalism
Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF), the UAE-based leading global institution in media studies and artificial intelligence has announced that 2nd edition of the Artificial Intelligence Journalism World Forum (AIJWF) will be held in March 2022, at the headquarter of Expo 2020 Dubai, under the title of “Covidization of Media Industry, Dynamic Human Skills and New Solutions”, that are leading the media industry over the next decade.
Dr. Mohamed Abdulzaher, AIJRF CEO, confirmed that AIJWF 2nd Edition will be held under the title of ” Covidization of Media Industry, New tools and technologies, that Lead the future of media during the next decade”, where it will discuss the future of media and artificial intelligence technologies, with a focus on media and entertainment industry and its contribution to the global digital economy, as well as the future of Dynamic Human Skills and the requirements of future jobs.
AIJWF Founder
“AIJWF shed light on the UAE government’s massive experiences in using the latest AI apps and solutions in different fields. This year, we will highlight on the latest technologies in the media industry, and its contributions to the digital economy industry, especially in the Middle East, and supporting academic studies and research in the field of Artificial Intelligence Journalism.”, added Dr. Abdulzaher.
“This year’s AIJWF will discuss a number of important topics, including successful global and Arab media models during the p “This year’s AIJWF will discuss a number of important topics, including successful global and Arab media models during the pandemic, as well as anticipating the media industry after the era of social media, and the Covidization of Media Industry, with the development of Intelligence-Integrated Public Relations (IIPR) versus Traditional Public Relations.”, Mohamed Abdulzaher, Artificial Intelligence Journalism pioneer and future jobs expert said.
Global Digital Economy
AIJWF will also discuss the growth of artificial intelligence technologies, the gap between developed and developing countries, and how the Media and Entertainment Industry will contribute to the world digital economy. Also, the new global initiatives towards intelligent government services in different sectors.
The global digital economy is currently worth $11.5 trillion, or 15.5% of global GDP. This number is expected to reach 25% in less than a decade, according to the World Bank.
AIJWF will also present the latest media intelligent applications, such as: AI Writing Assistant – 360 Photography – VR-Photo applications – Content Verification – Interactive Maps – Drone Photography. Also, it will discuss how we can hire for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and the opportunities and challenges in the Job market, advanced technology and the future of Dynamic Human Skills (DHS)”, added Abdulzaher.
Expo 2020 Dubai
AIJWF will be held this year in the middle of Expo 2020 Dubai, to highlight many global experiences in the use and development of artificial intelligence and advanced technology in all fields.
Many international companies are participating in Expo 2020 Dubai, and several international universities and think tanks will participate in it.
Expo 2020 Dubai, which began on September 30 and will continue till March 31, 2022, is taking place under the banner of ‘Connecting Minds and Creating the Future’. It’s a demonstration of what’s possible if we address global challenges like climate change, conflict and economic growth using imagination. It’s also continuing the tradition of having an exhibition of culture, architecture, and the latest technology from around the world.
More than 190 countries are participating in the World Fair, while 25 million tourists are expected to participate. Plus, more than 100 robots welcome visitors, serve food, help with directions and take photos.
Artificial Intelligence Journalism World Forum (AIJWF) is the first global platform and an annual event, where it brings together academics, media professionals, AI development companies, educational institutions, and government entities to forecast the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revolutions technologies and its impact on the future of human.
AIJWF’s first edition has been launched in March 2021, and it was headed by Professor Farouk El-Baz, the Egyptian American space scientist and geologist, with the participation of more than 50 universities, think tanks and more than 200 researchers and journalists from 20 countries.
AIJWF managed by the Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF), the UAE-based world’s leading platform, in designing the future of media and touching human lives.
AIJWF also manages and issues the Global Artificial Intelligence Journalism Index (GAIJI) , which is designed to measure, track, and visualize the performance of media companies in using AI Journalism technologies in producing, publishing, and promoting content.
Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF) think tank is a global leading organization in researching, forecasting, and shaping the future of Artificial Intelligence and human and the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revelations.
AIJRF has the advanced skills in training, teaching, searching, and forecasting through its advisory board, plus three skilled teams, which are academic, editorial, and media team, in cooperation with various research institutions and universities, and specialized groups of academics and researchers in US, Euro, Asia, and Medial East. They speak and edit in five different languages: Arabic, English, French, Italian and Spanish.
AIJRF manages and issues” Artificial Intelligence Journalism Journal (AIJJ), the first AI Journalism academic journal in both Arabic and English.
Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF), manages and supervises the Artificial Intelligence Journalism World Forum (AIJWF), the first global platform includes academics, media professionals and the specialists of artificial intelligence technologies, from educational institutions, universities, and the media.