AIJRF Organizes Monthly Seminar to Discuss Ideas and Arbitrate Research in Media and Artificial Intelligence

AIJRF Organizes Monthly Seminar to Discuss Ideas and Arbitrate Research in Media and Artificial Intelligence

Dubai- AIJRF

Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF), the leading academic organization in media studies, artificial intelligence and the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, will organize a monthly academic seminar ” AIJRF Seminar” to discuss research ideas and arbitrate research in media and artificial intelligence.

Masters and PhD Proposals

“One of AIJRF main missions is to enhance and develop Arab academic studies in the fields of: artificial intelligence, media, education, government services, future cities, and fourth industrial revolution technologies. AIJRF will manage a monthly seminar” ” AIJRF Seminar” to discuss research ideas and arbitrate research in media and artificial intelligence, as per requested by researchers to discuss the ideas of their research, or their academic proposals for a master’s or doctorate, under the supervision of specialized professors from international and Arab universities, in both Arabic and English, where the seminar will be limited to the researcher and professors only.” Dr. Mohamed Abdulzaher, CEO of the AIJRF said.

Dr. Mohamed Abdulzaher, the CEO of AIJRF

Abdulzaher added: ” This is not the first time we provide such services to many researchers who communicate directly with the AIJRF. Therefore, the idea came to organize such discussions (undisclosed) – to preserve the intellectual property rights of the owners of the ideas or studies presented, and the opportunity will be available to publish the studies in the academic journal of the AIJRF, after the necessary approvals after the AIJRF Seminar”

Media Research and Artificial Intelligence

Abdulzaher added that : “We are keen to support the culture of artificial intelligence, and work on the optimal use of those technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the areas of our daily life, and this cannot be done without the presence of real scientific research, capable of describing, analyzing, and providing real solutions in using such technologies.”

He confirmed: ” And our main mission is to support the practical side of conducting research or studies, and to give researchers a practical background that allows them to describe problems, and face the challenges in a correct scientific way.


Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF) think tank is a global leading organization in researching, forecasting, and shaping the future of Artificial Intelligence and human and the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revelations.
AIJRF works on three main pillars:
1- AIJRF provides Academic and scientific research, reports and educational curricula in Artificial Intelligence Journalism, 7G Journalism, Robotization of Marketing and AI & Media.
2- AIJRF works to develop new tools, technologies, Apps and solutions in the content industry through artificial intelligence in the fields of: media, education, healthcare, and the Intelligence Government Services.
3- AIJRF Develops and upgrades the Dynamic Human Skills (DHS) of individuals, institutions, universities, and governments in line with the requirements of the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revolutions and the skills of the future.
AIJRF manages and issues” Artificial Intelligence Journalism Journal (AIJJ), the first AI Journalism academic journal in both Arabic and English. Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF), manages and supervises the Artificial Intelligence Journalism World Forum (AIJWF), the first global platform includes academics, media professionals and the specialists of artificial intelligence technologies, from educational institutions, universities, and the media.

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