Artificial Intelligence Journalism and Media of Metaverse Professional Diploma (AIJD)

The Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF), the leading academic organization in media studies, artificial intelligence and the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, is happy to announce the registration for the Artificial Intelligence Journalism and Media of Metaverse Professional Diploma (AIJD) English Edition, the first-of-its kind professional diploma in the world.

The student is granted an accredited certificate from  Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF) “Artificial Intelligence Journalism”.

The AIJD’s study duration is  12 weeks, including: practical and theoretical training on Artificial Intelligence Journalism technologies and solutions, with 7 courses, in 60 hours.

Studying is available Remotely or On-Campus. Professors specializing in media and artificial intelligence from a number of international universities, Artificial Intelligence Journalism Professional Diploma (AIJD) is in collaboration with Certnexus.

For more information and registration, please fill this form