Registration form for the program: Artificial Intelligence and Content Creation Certified Trainer (AICT)


Earn a certification as a trainer in Artificial Intelligence and Content Creation ” from  Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF) , the global leader foundation in media content, artificial intelligence, and the Metaverse, according to the following conditions:

1- The applicant must have prior experience and have received an applied training for more than 110 hours (either specialized diplomas or applied workshops in Artificial Intelligence and Content Creation.

2- Manage to work on at least “50” artificial intelligence apps in all types of media content and management of communication, digital platforms, and the Metaverse spaces.

3- Providing live practical training with the expert committee from the “AIJRF”, specializing in Artificial Intelligence and Content Creation, not less than 3 hours on a topic of the candidate’s choice..

4- Passing the theoretical and practical test on the foundations of Artificial Intelligence and Content Creation.